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University of Alaska Anchorage

KPC Disability Support Services

Every Student Matters! Promoting the accessibility and usability of university systems is mission critical at KPC.

Disability Support Student Services at KPC

KPC's Disability Support Services is committed to coordinating support to provide equal educational opportunities for students who experience disabilities. There are two primary areas in which DSS serves:

  • Provides services for students who experience disabilities
  • Sharing resources with the KPC community

To access support services, students should provide current disability documentation to the KPC DSS coordinator.

Kenai River Campus
For Disability Support Services during Summer session, please contact

Kachemak Bay Campus
Nancy Johnson
Advising and Support Services Specialist
Kachemak Bay Campus
Pioneer Hall 101-B


Services include but are not limited to:

  • American Sign Language interpreters
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Testing adjustments
  • Ergonomic furniture
  • Textbooks in alternate formats (e.g., large print, audio, e-text, etc.)
  • Access to adaptive technology
  • Video captioning

Students attending KPC who experience disabilities have a right to:

  • Equal access to courses, programs, services, and activities offered through the college
  • Individualized accommodations
  • Effective academic adjustments/aids
  • Confidentiality
  • All other rights available to other students at KPC

Students attending KPC who experience disabilities have a responsibility to:

  • Self-identify and self-advocate
  • Make reasonable requests in a timely manner
  • Provide appropriate documentation
  • Meet qualifications and maintain essential standards for courses, programs and activities
  • Follow university procedures
  • Arrange for certain services and devices which are outside the scope of Disability Support Services
  • Services include but are not limited to attendant care, mobility training, and financial aid; Devices include but are not limited to hearing aids, eyeglasses, wheelchairs, computing technology that exceeds what is available for all students at KPC/UAA.

Early planning is encouraged to allow DSS staff adequate time to make the necessary arrangements for support services. Referrals can be made through local agencies, Student Services or by self-referral.

KPC Faculty Support for Accessibility and Universal Design

KPC offers faculty and staff training, planning consultations and other various services for accessible course design and student-facing materials. Visit KPC's Faculty Support for Accessibility for resource and training information.

Further information for Disability Support Services and the broader scope of UAA can be found on the UAA DSS website.


UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual:

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