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University of Alaska Anchorage

Property & Surplus Services

Property & Surplus Services

In order to account for and safeguard KPC property and to comply with state and federal laws and University regulations, the Property and Surplus Department: 

  • Coordinates an annual physical inventory 
  • Records all acquisitions, deletions and changes to property 
  • Manages disposal of surplus property 

All equipment or property relocations, off-campus use, or disposal must be coordinated through the Property and Surplus Department. 

Disposal of Property

  • Contact department for necessary forms and to coordinate pickup and disposal; 
  • University owned property may not be disposed or relocated without prior written consent; 
  • The department will seek authorization to destroy non-functional items; functional items are available to other departments; 
  • Once authorized, non-functional items are batched, then destroyed while being witnessed by two KPC employees, and taken to the landfill.  

Off-Campus Use of KPC Property

  • Personal use of KPC property is prohibited;
  • Use of property is allowed only for KPC related business or projects and is allowed only for a limited time;
  • An Authorization For Off-Campus Use Form must be completed and signed by campus director;
  • Items must be returned by the date indicated on the form and checked in through the property department when returned.

 Contact Info

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MJ McCown
(907) 262-0292

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