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University of Alaska Anchorage

Resident & Non-Resident Tuition

Resident & Non-Resident Tuition at KPC

Note: Non-resident tuition is currently waived at KPC, except for out-of-state students taking distance-delivered courses. UAA does not waive non-resident tuition.

For purposes of tuition assessment, a “resident” is any person who, prior to the published first day of instruction:

  • Has been physically present in Alaska for two years (apart from documented absences due to illness, vacations, attending another educational institution while maintaining Alaska residency, or other absences not exceeding a total of 120 days in the two-year period); or 
  • Has been determined by the state to be eligible to receive a Permanent Fund Dividend. 

Eligibility for Alaska resident tuition is defined as the following:

  • Members of the US military on active duty (stationed in Alaska) and members of the AK National Guard, their spouses and dependent children.
  • United States veterans eligible for a Veterans Administration education benefit, and their spouse and dependent children. Students qualifying under this exemption must move to and remain domiciled in the state of Alaska during their course of study. 
  • Residents of British Columbia, the Yukon, Northwest or Nunavut Territories.
  • Students from other states or provinces whose public universities waive non-resident charges for Alaska residents and students from foreign cities and provinces that have partnerships with Alaska or specific Alaska communities (lists of approved programs are published online in University of Alaska Board of Regents regulations).
  • Exchange students attending the University of Alaska as part of an approved exchange program.
  • Students in the UA Scholars Program.
  • Students in the UA College Savings Program who meet eligibility criteria as established by the Education Trust of Alaska.
  • Dependent children of a person who graduated and holds an Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctor’s degree from the University of Alaska. 
  • Dependent children of an Alaska resident as evidenced by the most current federal income tax return filed within the past 16 months. 
  • Students enrolled for four or fewer credit hours within the UA system during a semester. 
  • Spouse or dependent children of a University of Alaska employee; or 
  • Students that graduated within the past 12 months from a qualified Alaska high school. “Qualified Alaska high school” shall have the same meaning used to determine eligibility for the UA Scholars Program.
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