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University of Alaska Anchorage

Searchable Schedule

Welcome to KPC's Searchable Schedule

This schedule has been designed for student convenience. In order to REGISTER, students must access UAOnline. TAKE CARE to compare all information seen here to that on UAOnline - the definitive source for course information. AFTER registering, double check the list of courses to be certain the resulting schedule reads as expected.

Students need to be careful to note WHERE (which campus or extension site) COURSES ORIGINATE FROM. Students can search course offerings from all KPC locations with KPC's Searchable Schedule.

The searchable schedule is driven by a database that is refreshed every 24 hours making it the most current and accurate resource for students. This feature is invaluable for ensuring that students can put together a schedule that meets their unique needs.

The advanced search option allows a more detailed query when searching for course options. Draft schedule information for planning upcoming semesters will be posted as soon as it becomes available. Draft schedules are subject to change and students are encouraged to check the draft often for changes.

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