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University of Alaska Anchorage

Travel Information

All Travel Must Be Preapproved

KPC Travel Approval Process

  1. Employee completes the Travel Authorization (TA) form requesting permission to travel.
  2. The TA routes to employee’s department approver and then to KPC Director Siemers.
  3. Employee uploads completed form as an attachment to the Concur travel request.
Travel Authorization Request Form 


Concur training is required only once, however an annual refresher course is recommended. Concur training is required before receiving the UA travel card. Applying for the travel card is recommended for all employees.

Approved travel must be submitted in Concur no less than five business days prior to departure date. Travel requests must include the approved Travel Authorization.

Estaline Cooke (KRC), Sue Gordon (KBC), or your departmental delegate can provide hands on support as needed.

See the UA travel page for additional travel information and to log in to Concur.

Traveling By Vehicle

Use of personal vehicles to conduct KPC business is prohibited. Exceptions are at the discretion of Director Siemers. Justification for use of personal vehicles to conduct KPC business must be disclosed on the Travel Authorization.

Use of KPC owned vehicles to conduct personal business is prohibited. Employees on active travel status in Concur are permitted to make local stops to conduct personal business. Keep in mind stops must be justifiable, stand up to public scrutiny, and meet UA BOR ethics standards and polices.

Do not transport students, especially minors, without further documentation and guidance.

Driving Privileges

A current driving record along with proof of completion of driver training must be on file with Estaline Cooke (KRC) or Sue Gordon (KBC) to operate any vehicle while conducting KPC business. This includes KPC owned vehicles, rental cars, and personal vehicles when approved.

Driving privileges must be renewed annually. AK DMV records requests are at no cost to employees when processed by KPC. See Estaline Cooke (KRC) or Sue Gordon (KBC) for details. Employees will not be reimbursed for obtaining driving records through other sources. Please allow ten business days for DMV driving record processing.

Follow the vehicle reservation and checkout procedure for your campus.

Contact Info

Accounts Payable / Travel Technician
Estaline Cooke
(907) 262-0308
UAA - Kenai Peninsula College
Enid S. McLane Building
Kachemak Bay Campus
Sue Gordon
(907) 235-1654
UAA - Kachemak Bay Campus
Pioneer Hall




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