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University of Alaska Anchorage


Kenai Peninsula College Scholarships

For more information or questions contact the KPC Financial Aid Office at 907-262-0332 or email


KPC Fall 2025/ Spring 2026 Scholarships - Open Now

  • UA General Scholarship Portal

    The UA Scholarship Portal is now open for 2025/2026 academic year applications. 

    Students can apply through the link below or through their UAOnline student account.


    • Students in a UAA degree program must submit completed applications by February 15th, 2025
    • Students in a KPC degree program must submit completed applications by April 18th, 2025

    Students are also encouraged to submit their 2025-2026 FAFSA before the deadline.

    UA Scholarship Portal 

    Thanks to generous scholarship donors KPC awarded over 50 scholarships for the 24/25 academic year! Don't miss out, apply now!

  • Rising Tide Award- High School Graduating Class of 2025

    Application is currently open and will close April 18th, 2025

    Kenai Peninsula College offers several tuition waiver scholarships to graduating High school seniors from all KPBSD schools and home-school programs who will attend courses at either KPC’s Kenai River Campus (Soldotna) or Resurrection Bay Extension Site (Seward).  The tuition waiver scholarship can cover up to 24 credits for the following academic year in the form of 12 credits for each of the Fall and Spring semesters.

    *Students must have a UA ID in order to log into the application*

    To Apply Students Must:

    • Apply for Admission to KPC or UAA
    • Complete the 2025/2026 FAFSA
    • Attach a High School Transcript showing a cumulative GPA of at least 2.8
    • Attach a Personal Statement describing your Career and Education Plans
    • Attach two (2) Letters of Reference- one (1) from Faculty or Staff member from your High School and one (1) from a Community member
    Rising Tide Award Application

    For more information or an application contact the KPC Financial Aid Office at 907-262-0332 or email

  • David Rodriguez Perez Memorial Scholarship

    Application is currently open and will close April 18th, 2025

    The David Rodriguez Perez Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of David Perez by offering one (1) $3,000 scholarship to Alaskan Native students pursuing a degree in Anthropology or Alaska Native Studies and who demonstrate an interest in Dena'ina land management and preservation on the Kenai Peninsula. 

    GPA and Enrollment Requirements
    Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA and be enrolled at least Part-time (6 or more credits) for the semester in which the scholarship is intended.

    Required documents to upload within the application:

    • Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) - Funding shall be awarded only to Alaska Native individuals who can provide KPC an official document certifying their membership within their Alaska Native corporation/village/tribe or a copy of their Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB).
    David Rodriguez Perez Memorial Scholarship



Scholarship Opportunities 

  • Kachemak Bay Campus Scholarships

    Students applying for any of the scholarships listed below must submit their completed Scholarship Application Packet to KBC Student and Enrollment Services by January 6th, 2025 at 5pm.

    Address for mailing or drop off:
    Kachemak Bay Campus/Scholarships
    533 E. Pioneer Ave
    Homer, AK 99603

    Questions? Email

    • Kachemak Bay Campus Tuition Waiver

      KPC offers a limited number of tuition waivers to assist members of our community in engaging in courses they would not otherwise be able to take, primarily for financial reasons. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and preference is given to first-time awardees. Recipients are responsible for meeting eligibility criteria and paying all fees and expenses not covered by waiver.


      • Must be registered for one or more KBC credits (audit credits not eligible)
      • Must be 18 years old or have a high school or GED diploma
    • South Peninsula Hospital Foundation

      The South Peninsula Hospital Foundation, through the Kachemak Bay Campus, sponsors this $500 scholarship towards the cost of tuition, fees, and books for classes earning credit towards a UAA Allied Health program. Applicants must show financial need and capability of successfully completing training:


      • Must be seeking an Allied Health related educational goal
      • Must be enrolled in a minimum of six KBC credits that meet requirements for Allied Health degree program
      • Priority will be given to applicants who reflect a commitment to the Homer community as demonstrated in their personal essay
    • Mary Epperson Student Support & Scholarship Endowment

      The KBC Mary Epperson Student Support & Scholarship Endowment is sponsoring one $500 scholarship for the semester. Applicants must attend the Kachemak Bay Campus and demonstrate financial need.


      • Must be planning to register for at least 3 KBC campus-based credits
      • Other financial awards may be considered to determine financial need
    • Homer Kachemak Bay Rotary Club

      The Homer Kachemak Bay Rotary Club is sponsoring a $1000 scholarship for a new or returning student attending Kachemak Bay Campus who demonstrates the best combination of financial need, academic achievement, career goals, and the Rotary principle of service.


      • Must be fully admitted to a KPC or UAA certificate or degree program by application date
      • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 KBC credits with at least one face-to-face credit in Homer during the semester for which the award will apply
      • Preference will be given to applications who reflect a commitment to service and the Homer community as demonstrated in their personal essay


  • Alaskan Native Resources
    • KPC Resources
      • David Rodriguez Perez Memorial Scholarship

        The David Rodriguez Perez Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of David Perez by offering one (1) $3,000 scholarship to Alaskan Native students pursuing a degree in Anthropology or Alaska Native Studies and who demonstrate an interest in Dena'ina land management and preservation on the Kenai Peninsula. 

        GPA and Enrollment Requirements
        Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA and be enrolled at least Part-time (6 or more credits) for the semester in which the scholarship is intended.

        Required documents to upload within the application:

        • Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) - Funding shall be awarded only to Alaska Native individuals who can provide KPC an official document certifying their membership within their Alaska Native corporation/village/tribe or a copy of their Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB).
      • Alyeska Pipeline Service Company - Alaska Native Scholarship

        Application is currently closed. Please check back for Fall 2025 dates

        This award is intended to support KPC’s population of Alaska Native students pursuing education, training and development in the strategic focus areas that may lead to future careers at Alyeska or TAPS industry related jobs. This includes Industrial Process Instrumentation, Process Technology and Welding Technology. 

        GPA and Enrollment Requirements
        Student must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA and be enrolled Part-time or Full-time for the semester in which the scholarship is intended.

        Required documents to upload within the application:

        • Resume - The individual will supply KPC with a current resume. A copy of the resume will be shared with Alyeska for future potential recruitment opportunities.
        • Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) - Alyeska funding shall be awarded only to Alaska Native individuals who can provide KPC an official document certifying their membership within their Alaska Native corporation/village/tribe or a copy of their Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB).
        • Additional Information - Official transcripts and a personal career goals statement must be included in the application.
          Alyeska Pipeline Service Company - Alaska Native Scholarship
      • UAA Alaska Native Scholarships

        A current list of scholarships and funding resources for Alaskan Native and Native American Students organized by Native Corporation regions can be found on UAA’s Alaska Native Scholarships and Funding page. 


    • Local/ Statewide



  • Local Scholarships


  • State Scholarships
    • Alaska Community Foundation

      Over 40 scholarships available for Alaskans! 

      The Alaska Community Foundation awards scholarships made possible by passionate community members who are committed to helping Alaskans pursue their educational dreams. The specific criteria, application requirements, and deadline varies by scholarship. Please review the guidelines for each scholarship to determine your eligibility before applying.

      Alaska Community Foundation Scholarships


    • Alaska Safety Alliance

      Alaska Safety Alliance and Alaska 529 are excited to announce applications are now open for the new Alaska Safety Alliance Training Scholarship!

      Scholarship for Alaska residents enrolled or planning to enroll in an academic or training program leading to a certification, credential, or degree that will support the applicant’s entry or advancement in a career in Alaska’s oil & gas, mining, construction, or maritime industries, or any occupation that crosses over those industries (ex: heavy equipment operators, CDL drivers). Training program must be Alaska-based or unavailable in Alaska.

      Alaska Safety Alliance Scholarship


    • Work Ethic Scholarship Program

      The Mike Rowe Works Foundation is proud to offer the Work Ethic Scholarship Program for the eleventh year in a row. The application is currently open for qualifying programs such as Processes Technology.

      Work Ethic Scholarship Program




KPC Student Support Fund 

The Kenai Peninsula College Student Support Fund will be used to assist students enrolled in courses at Kenai Peninsula College who have demonstrated financial need and/or a financial hardship. Funds are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. A current FAFSA is required to determine financial need. Jumpstart and Middle College students are eligible to apply and do not need to submit a FAFSA.

For more information on this assistance, please contact our Financial Aid Office at (907) 262-0332 or Academic Advising at (907) 262-0383.

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

The College Assistance Migrant Program provides scholarships and student support services designed for students from migrant and seasonal, agricultural backgrounds.

For more information on this program, please call 907-262-0380 or email

Alaska Performance Scholarship

The Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) is available to Alaska residents who graduated from an Alaska high school (public, private, or home school) and completed the required curriculum with either a minimum GPA of 2.5 or a qualifying college/career entrance exam score. The APS can be used at any participating college or university and for approved career and technical education programs in Alaska. For more information, including eligibility criteria visit UAA's Alaska Performance Scholarship page or Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education information page.  

UAA Scholarships

For other available resources and financial aid opportunities be sure to check out UAA's scholarship page!

UAA Scholarships



KPC Financial Aid 

Phone: 907-262-0332

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