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University of Alaska Anchorage


Congratulations! Soon, thanks to all of your hard work and dedication, you will be graduating from a first-rate educational institution. Read on to learn how to apply for graduation and how to graduate with honors!

Applying for KPC Graduation

You, the student, are responsible for meeting all KPC requirements for graduating. It's encouraged that you meet periodically with an advisor to be sure all degree requirements are being met. In order to graduate, a graduation application must be submitted by the published deadline listed in the academic calendar. In order to be certain that your degree program requirements can be completed, you should apply for graduation the semester in which to you expect to complete your degree requirements.

Students should apply for graduation through their UAOnline account.  See steps noted below:

  • Select the Student Services & Account Information tab
  • Select Student Records
  • Select Apply to Graduate

Applying for UAA Graduation

Many students attend KPC and complete UAA degree programs. If you're a student who plan to graduate from KPC with a UAA degree, you must contact KPC Admissions if you wish to participate in KPC's graduation ceremony. Please note: there is no automatic notification and it is your responsibility to make the notification so your name will appear in the program.

KPC Admissions can be reached via email at

UAA issues diplomas three times a year. When do you want to graduate?

Event Deadline
January (following fall semester) Must apply by December 8
May (following spring semester) Must apply by April 26
September (following summer semester) Must apply by July 21

Remember, you are held responsible for meeting all academic requirements. You should plan to meet with your advisor often, in order to ensure that you are on track to meet all requirements. 

Students should apply for graduation through their UAOnline account. 

Applying for Other UA Campus' Graduation

Each campus in the UA system has different deadlines and requirements for applying for graduation. You can check out the catalog or website of the campus where your degree program originates to learn more about your campus-specific graduation requirements.

Graduating with Honors

Students who complete certificate or degree requirements in the summer, fall or spring semesters, will be invited to participate in the commencement ceremony in May. Eligible Students will receive honor cords and be recognized in the commencement program if their overall GPA at the end of the preceding semester is 3.50 or above. If eligible for university honors after final grades are submitted, student honors status is displayed on the diploma and final academic transcript. 

UAA recognizes outstanding student scholarship in associate and baccalaureate degree graduates by granting Latin Honors based on the following criteria:

  • Have at least a 3.50 cumulative UAA GPA
  • UAA resident credit of 30 semester hours for a baccalaureate degree
  • UAA resident credit of 15 semester hours for an associate's degree

GPA calculations for graduation with honors do not include:

  • Credits that were excluded due to retaking a course or through the Academic Fresh Start or Academic Renewal programs
  • Transfer credits, non-credit courses, and credit by examination or other forms of nontraditional credit

 Honors are awarded to associate and bachelor degree students with cumulative GPAs as follows: 

Honors Level GPA
Cum Laude 3.5 to 3.74
Magna Cum Laude 3.75 to 3.89
Summa Cum Laude 3.90 to 4.00
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