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University of Alaska Anchorage

Calendar of Events



Hands typing on laptop
Priority Registration Admitted Seniors (90+ Credits)

, All Day

Priority registration for admitted seniors (90+ credits) starts November 4, 2024.

Brown wallet on table
Second Late Payment Fee - $175

A second late payment fee of $175 will be assessed at 5:00pm on all student accounts with a balance for Fall 2024.

laptop and open notebook with coffee cup on table
Priority Registration Admitted Juniors (60-89 Credits)

, All Day

Priority registration for admitted juniors (60-89 credits) begins November 5, 2024.

Person typing at laptop while holding a writing implement with houseplant in the background
Priority Registration Admitted Sophomores (30-59 Credits)

, All Day

Priority registration for admitted sophomores (30-59 credits) begins November 6, 2024.

Tablet displaying a calendar and a pencil on a wood table
Priority Registration Admitted Freshmen (0-29 Credits)

, All Day

Priority registration for admitted freshmen (0-29 credits) begins November 7, 2024.

Garden Planning for All Levels logo
Garden Planning for All Levels

Join Kachemak Bay Campus and KBC Grows for an intensive garden planning workshop and intimate study group 11/7, 14, & 21; 5:30 - 7 PM. 10 spots available in person and 10 zia zoom.  Are you a gardener looking to get organized and have a more cohesive plan for next year? Are you a backyard grower looking to grow more food for yourself or your family? Are you a current or aspiring farmer looking to increase yields, efficiency, and profit margins? Come one come all to this three-part garden planning series to take your garden to the next level! Session 1, 11/7: Setting your goal and how to achieve it through yield calculators, crop selection, and scale. Session 2, 11/14: Analyze your past performance, identifying areas for improvement or growth. Session 3, 11/21: Create your garden map, planting calendar, and seed order. Only $10 per session. To register or for more information visit the Community Education Portal or call (907) 235-1674

Laptop, open notebook, cup of coffee on desk
Deadline for UAA/KPC Fall 2024 Graduation Application

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The deadline to apply for UAA/KPC Fall 2024 graduation via UAOnline is November 8, 2024.

Plant, open planner, notebook, and laptop on desk
Open Registration for the General Public

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Open registration for the general public (including high school students) begins November 11, 2024.

Salmon spawning up river with fall leaves and road in background
Where the Fish Were Running: Telling the Intertwined Story of Kahnuht’ana Dena’ina and Salmon in the Nineteenth Century with Dr. Adam Dunstan

The histories of salmon and Indigenous people in Kahtnu (Kenai River) are intertwined, and extend back millenia. Salmon were, and are, a keystone of the culture. Dr. Dunstan will draw on a variety of historic, explorer, oral history, archaeological, and ethnographic accounts (some unpublished or rare) to consider the various roles played by łuq’a (salmon) in Kahnuht'ana (Kenai River) Dena'ina communities in the 19th century.

Person writing with pencil
Non-Teaching Day - No Classes Held

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November 27, 2024 is a non-teaching day and no classes are held.

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