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University of Alaska Anchorage


The KRC Learning Center strives to maximize academic potential and promote student success and retention through free tutoring. 

Writing Lab

This free service offers students a one-on-one experience with a writing tutor either at the Kenai River Campus, on Zoom, or via email correspondence. Help is available at any stage of the writing process, so stop by for help with brainstorming, generating ideas, drafting, organizing thoughts, revising, editing for grammar and style, and more. 

Visit the Writing Lab.

Math Lab

The goal of the Math Lab is to assist students at all levels to improve their math and reasoning skills. Student learning outcomes for tutoring focus on helping students to improve their understanding of math in the long term to build success as a foundation for developing increasingly higher level math skills. Services are available both on-campus and online.

Visit the Math Lab

UAA Learning Commons

The UAA Learning Commons offers tutoring in additional subjects, including foreign languages, anatomy & physiology, physics, and nursing. Visit the UAA Learning Commons webpage for their options and schedules.

Weekend and Late-night and Tutoring Assistance

Live Homework Help via SLED (Statewide Library Electronic Doorway), offers live one-to-one help/tutoring, 7 days/week, noon-2am for high school and intro-level college students. Live Homework Help is funded by the State of Alaska and from a grant from the Alaska State Library to the Alaska Library Network.

Please note that SLED connects you to other computer systems to retrieve information. Once you leave SLED's main menu, SLED cannot control the information you access.


  • Go directly to
  • Fill out the questions as best you can and connect with a tutor instantly
  • To save your work and favorite tutors, you can also “Create a free account"

Please note that iPhone and iPad users can also connect with To-Go in the app store. If you have any trouble getting set up, please contact the KRC Learning Center at (907) 262-0327, or visit us in room 191 for help.

Additional Academic Skill-Building Services

The KPC Learning Center also offers free tutoring/classes to adults to address the following. These free services are available online or on-campus to adults residing on the Kenai Peninsula, and are funded through two Department of Labor: Employment & Training: WIOA grants. For more information, contact the KRC Learning Center at 907-262-0327.

  • College-readiness
  • High school equivalency (GED preparation)
  • English language acquisition/ English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • Financial literacy
  • Computer skills

Online Resources

For help with distance classes, using BlackBoard, checking Webmail, or any other computer-related help, contact KPC's IT HelpDesk.

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